“CCTV” means Closed Circuit Television, which is used to record and monitor the ongoing activities in a particular area for the protection and safety of your home and property. That is why it should be placed at the best possible location from where you could get a wider view. So if you’re staying in a large, isolated property, it is almost crucial to buy a CCTV camera from a CCTV company. After successfully installing your cctv camera for home in the right place, there are certain things you would need to know:
Connecting CCTV cameras to the monitor using DVR
After installing your CCTV cameras, you need to connect them to the DVR and then from the DVR to the monitor. Here is the procedure to do that:
- Start with the audio – this is possible when you have microphones attached to the camera. The audio is recorded through a RCA cable.
- After that, connect the video port either through BNC connection or BG connection, depending on what your monitor has for audio options.
- Now connect the networking port – the networking port is used to connect the DVR to the Internet using a LAN cable. This is used when you are situated far away and you want to have an access to what is being recorded over the Internet.
- Next you will see two USB options; one is used for the mouse and the other to retrieve the data using a pen drive or a hard disk.
- Connect the power option for the DVR – Each DVR needs a power connection. A CCTV camera comes with two connections, one for its power and the other is for the BNC.
- For the output, connect one end of the VGA to the DVR and the other end to the TV through a BG cable. Note down the input channel of the TV that you have connected to the VGA. Select the input and you will be able to see recordings from your camera. You will also hear a beep noise coming from the DVR when the connection is on.
How to troubleshoot CCTV cameras:
When the video is really blurry – It is not due to the cable, power supply or DVR, instead, there should be an issue with the lens when images are not that sharp. To overcome this, take the camera off and adjust the zoom in and out manually.
When you have multiple cameras plugged into the DVR and one or two are working while the others are not -To troubleshoot this, assess whether you are getting blurry or fuzzy lines or no video at all it’s still. You can check this by replacing the working camera with the troubled camera. Through this, you would know whether it is camera’s problem, cable or power supply issue. If the video is still blurry then it must be cable issue and vice versa.
When you are unable to see the live video – Place the mouse pointer on the screen, if you see it moving at different quadrants where the video should be then your DVR and monitor is fine. There could be an issue with the power supply.