What You Can Do To Get Rid Of Your Stubborn Cystic Acne

Cystic acne, also known as nodulocystic acne, is a dangerous form of acne vulgaris. If someone has cystic acne, he or she might be affected severely with acute skin problems. On top of it, if you delay the treatment for this problem, the chances are that you might be exposed to permanent acne scars.

To make sure that it does not happen, we have put together three of the best cystic acne treatments to ensure you can treat this disease in a breeze.

  1. Use of Herbal Treatment

Herbal treatment might come off as odd for many people. For this reason, some people choose not to visit a dermatologist for herbal treatment.

However, instead of visiting one, you can always use herbal medications like homemade creams and balms instead to get rid of the excess oil. Not to mention, these products would be able to kill the bacteria on the surface area of the skin. Besides these medications, there are herbs such like calendula, dried green tea leaves with herb tea leaves that can treat acne accurately.

By mixing these products with other medicines, you can maintain the desired level of moisture and oil in your skin. Ultimately, this will make your skin smooth. Another excellent herb for treating cystic acne is aloe vera. Many skin specialists and dermatologists recommend patients to use aloe vera gels. In fact, it is one of the most critical herbal ingredients for treating acne. Aloe vera usually protects your skin from dirt and bacteria and that is why this is a famous herb for treating acne scars.

  1. Use of Accutane

Accutane is a strong type of medicine, which could have side effects on the body. But with caution and the advice from a dermatologist, this medicine could clean your cystic acne completely. Typically, Accutane’s origin is vitamin A and it comes in a pill or tablet form. You have to take it for around 15 to 20 weeks.

It can decrease the size of the skin oil gland to a great level and it can also reduce the excess oil production in your skin. Moreover, it can destroy the acne bacteria and prevent the pores from clogging. When it comes down to it, Accutane can even stop inflammation. However, you are advised to not use it without the recommendation from a dermatologist.

  1. Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is an effective treatment for cystic acne. According to a report, 37% of cystic acne patients were able to cure their problem partially through laser treatment.

Additionally, after taking three laser treatments, more than 85% of the patients were able to cure their disease completely. And after taking four to five treatments most of the patients had their acne scars cleaned up.

Now, there are two types of laser treatments, one is the Diode treatment and another one is pulsed dye treatment. Although these laser treatments are one of the best methods to cure acne, they do have some side effects. You have to use a topical gel on your skin after the treatment to ensure you get these side effects.

Battling cystic acne can be tiring, but it doesn’t mean that there’s no definite way to get rid of them. With the methods mentioned above, there is a high possibility of at least lightening your scars and even removing your cystic acne completely.

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