Check Out The Hyped Q-Switch Laser Treatment With A Trial

Are you considering trying your hand at the Q-switch laser treatment? You can avail Q-switch laser trials Singapore at a very affordable price and test out for yourself.

What is Q-switched laser used for?

Q-switch laser is a 1064 nanometer wavelength beam that is applied to the skin. This beam targets the spots, freckles, age and acne scars and spots and treats them. It comes with different power settings as per the requirement of the patient.

It is used for the treatment of pigmentation, pimples and acne scars, age spots, etc. It also promotes skin rejuvenation and skin- brightening and can also effectively remove the tattoo. 


One can notice a significant improvement in their skin texture. The results yield upto a 90% positive result.

  • Acne marks can be removed positively with this treatment.
  • It also works as a fantastic remedy for acne and pimples and can reduce the future outbreaks.
  • Your skin will look better and brighter. The skin condition will improve.
  • Tattoo removal can be achieved through this treatment.
  • The process is not very painful and is majorly bearable.

This laser treatment is the most commonly adopted procedure in Singapore. The treatment is very cost-effective. Q-switch laser trials Singapore can be availed in various clinics at a very reasonable price. These treatments are very time efficient and utilize hardly 1-3 minutes per session. Therefore, it can be availed 3-7 times a week.

Also, the overall cost incurred in the whole treatment is comparatively low to other therapies. One has to avoid exposure to the sun for some time after getting the procedure to obtain the best and fast results.

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