Alkaline Vs Regular Water: How To Know Which Is Best For You

What’s the best type of water to drink?

Some people may wonder this, because not all drinking water is the same. Tap water in Singapore is drinkable as well, but most people prefer to at least have their water boiled first. Alternatively, there are people who would rather buy bottled mineral water, or opt to have a water filtration system at home.

For a long time, there has also been a trend for alkaline water. Treated alkaline water is believed by some to be beneficial for health, and there are plenty of alkaline water products out there as well. However, what exactly is alkaline water, and are these claims actually true?

What is alkaline water?

To understand what alkaline water is, we must first take a look at the chemical structure of water. Water is H2O, meaning that it contains an equal ratio of H+ and OH- ions. When these two ions are balanced, the acidity or pH level is neutral.

However, most water sources we drink are not perfectly pure water. Small amounts of minerals or contaminants may make the pH level fluctuate. In Singapore, the average pH level of tap water is 8.1, which is slightly alkaline, but well within the Environmental Public Health Regulations, which is 6.5-9.5.

What happens when we drink alkaline water?

Proponents of drinking alkaline (mostly made up of water companies that sell these products) claim that alkaline water can energise, detoxify, and super-hydrate the body. Yet, there is very little evidence for these effects in scientific research journals.

In fact, the human body has its own way of regulating its pH, and there is little support to show that alkaline water can alter this. Blood is maintained at a quite-constant, near-neutral pH level of 7.4. In our stomachs, gastric juices are highly acidic in nature. If too much alkaline water is ingested, it can impede our natural digestive processes, rather than be beneficial to health.

Is it okay to drink alkaline water?

Slightly alkaline water is generally safe to drink, which is why there are recommended guidelines given by global and local health authorities on safe pH levels for drinking water. In fact, many sources of water are actually slightly alkaline – even natural mineral water may be alkaline due to the minerals they pick up in their natural environment.

However, long-term or excess consumption of highly alkaline water may have detrimental effects to health. In one extreme case, a water plant in Germany raised the town’s water pH to 12 by accident, and residents began to suffer skin burns. Other possible effects are gastrointestinal issues and metabolic alkalosis.


As you can see, there is not much evidence to say that alkaline water is better for you. Experts recommend sticking to regular water, and staying hydrated by drinking enough. Rather than acidity, it is far better to be concerned with the overall quality of the water. For example, is the water properly treated to remove pathogens and contaminants?

If you are concerned about the water you drink, a water purifier dispenser is more than sufficient to ensure a source of clean, healthy drinking water for you and your family. Some of the best water dispensers in Singapore are able to filter out a wide variety of contaminants and pathogens in water, providing the user with the assurance of safe drinking water.

Staying informed and making wise decisions for your health and your family is the best thing you can do. Let your choice of water be without regrets as well!

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